GATEway Jr Puerto Rico

GATEway Jr went to Puerto Rico!
There are a lot of ways in which the Miami Country Day community intertwines with other communities. GATEway is one phenomenal way that our Spartan students truly bring the Country Day community somewhere new. GATEway, which stands for Global Access To Education is an educational program offered here at Miami Country Day that is a program designed by educators, executed by educators, for the benefits of students. The idea is to find different ways to educate and prepare Miami Country Day students to be lifelong learners through hands-on and experiential education. GATEway supports the mission of the school and helping the Whole Child to become a true global citizen.
Recently, GATEway Jr. ventured to Puerto Rico to share part of the Spartan magic and to participate in a 1-week cultural study program. The program is offered to Middle School students as a chance to navigate an unfamiliar space, a language that may not be their native, and even to interact with a new community. It can be daunting at first for the students as they embark on the school trip, but students learn quickly how amazing it can be to step outside of their comfort zone.
Below are some GATEway Mate reflections:
“Everything is really in Spanish” upon realizing how great a language immersion program can be when trying to learn a new language
“Please- no more food!” after a day of Spoon Food Tours and thoroughly eating their way through San Juan.
“When can we sign up for GATEway Jr.” A great sign that a GATEway Jr. participant is loving the experience and learning a lot.
“I love it here. The people are so much more open. They want to know about you and for you to know about them.” The moment when any GATEway student realizes the pure beauty of traveling and the purpose of a cultural immersion trip.
At Miami Country Day we encourage our students to take risks, to challenge themselves, and to try something new. GATEway is one amazing program that does this. Students always come back from a GATEway trip excited and anticipating the next one.
To learn more about any GATEway opportunity, visit:
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